It’s go time.

We have been spending the last month or so talking about the importance of mindset, specifically how it relates to physical fitness. So if you are just joining us, take a few minutes to check out my most recent posts. This blog post is going to be different than most, I’m going right to the … More It’s go time.

Lies we believe.

After my first major breakup, I was sure that I was never going to be able to move on. It was close to a year after we had broken up and I was telling my friend how hard it was for me to get over this guy. She said something to me that really stuck … More Lies we believe.


Peace Being a person who is, at times, full of anxiety, fear and discontentment – there is nothing more that I long for than peace.  Not just normal peace, but the peace that passes all understanding. The peace that has been promised to those who follow Jesus. Philippians 4:7 promises that “the peace of God, … More Peace


The third candle that we light during Advent is often called the “Shepard’s Candle” or the candle of Joy. During Advent we are asked to join the Shepherds as they rejoice at the arrival of the newborn king –  the long promised Messiah. As we do that, we are ushered into a place of joy. … More Joy


Mary I often wonder what I would do if I were Mary. Can you imagine? When she became pregnant – the expectant mother of Jesus – she was between the ages of 12-14. She was engaged to a man named Joseph. There is a strong chance she didn’t know him very well. Arranged marriages were … More Faith


What is hope? How do we get it?  As I shared last week, Advent is a season of waiting. Hope is also a central theme of Advent. We join those who waited in hope for the birth of Jesus and we are longing with hope for his second coming.  Hope is a common word in … More Hope